Get Page view stats in Clarity
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Get Page view stats in Clarity


Article ID: 186963


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Is there anyway to get some sort of page view statistics in our SaaS/On Premise Clarity instance? Specifically: How many page views a specific portlet page is receiving?


Release : All Supported Releases


Nothing is available out of the box, but a few tips that may help:

  1. Using the LOG_DETAILS tables
  2. Using the app access.logs to pull the data:
  • Take the log file extract the action code, user id and time from the text file in the log
  • Put this in a database table
  • Build a portlet based on that

Note: There are some portlets in the Administration->Log Analysis page that provide statistical information from a performance perspective:

  1. To refresh/populate the data, first run the job Tomcat access log import/analyze job.
  2. Go to Administration->Log Analysis
  3. Drill down information is also available on System Stats by Hour/Day tab when you click on a data point in the Average Response by Time server graph
  4. Drill down information is also available on Daily Page/XOG Views regarding how many times a page/portlet have been viewed