Add a Service Desk extended field to the IT Asset Manager display
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Add a Service Desk extended field to the IT Asset Manager display


Article ID: 186917


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Can I add a Service Desk extended field to the IT Asset Manager display?


ITAM 17.x


In order to add an extended field to the ITAM GUI, there are two requirements.

The extended field has been created across all families, ie on the usp_owned_resource.


The extended field is a simple data field and is not a reference to another lookup table / object.


Example:  The field of interest is the Warranty Start Date, which is available in SDM as part of the usp_owned_resource table, field nr_wrty_end_dt.  This can be observed in the backend DBMS:

In SDM, this field shows up here:

In ITAM, this field is not available, and the interest is to add it below the usp_owned_resource table's "Warranty Start Date" field that was previously added via this process

In ITAM, one would create or access an Asset configuration that is has "Across all families" checked on.  Click "Add Extension"

In the Configuration Wizard display, choose "Simple Field" as the type of field to create.  We will be adding this field to the "Basic Information" section.

Click on "Add Field"


Fill in the necessary items.  The following screencap shows the entries filled in.  Once the fields are populated, click on the little green checkmark.

Once the entry is added as seen below, click Next

With the field defined, click "Save and Exit"


IMPORTANT:  If you are using a different configuration that names a different Asset Family, you may also need to add the same field after it was added per the above.  One would turn on the Configure option and search for the correct configuration that needs to have the above field added.

Select the correct configuration that needs to be used for your scenario and click "OK".  In this case, it is the "Test Global Cfg 1" 

Next choose "Add Existing Fields" (this is because the field of interest was already added as part of the configuration "Across All Asset Families"


Choose "Asset Extensions"

Choose the "Warranty End Date" which we previously created, then click "OK"

Once the field is added to the correct configuration, you can then see the field on the display and can reposition the field of interest by dragging the field by the directional arrow handle:


With the field updated, choose "Save Configuration"

The field is displayed below:


Additional Information

The above method only works for fields that were defined for Assets, under the field "usp_owned_resource".  This is because both ITAM and SDM are writing schema definitions to the same usp_owned_resource table.

In ITAM, other objects, such as location, will write their extended schema definitions to the ucapme_location table and not to the usp_location table as SDM does.  As such, the above method will not work for Location entries and is not a supported procedure.