Rally - Release field filters do not return desired results with the new interface on the User Story page
Article ID: 186916
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Rally SaaS
A customer is trying to filter on the new User Stories page to include stories that have a specific tag AND are in a specific release. Both criteria must be met in this example. The problem encountered is that because, by definition parent stories are not assigned to releases, only the children have a release assignment. The results, due to the design of the page, is that the parent as well as its' children will not show in the list because the parent does not meet the criteria. Child user stories which do meet both filter criteria but are not listed.
Release : SAAS
The new user story page does not separate the parent child relationship in this filtering scenario.
The Work Views page provides the ability to use the identical filters as the User Story page filtering on release AND tags without eliminating child user stories. Therefore any story that meets the filter criteria is listed whether it has a parent or not.
Note the filters and matching 'ALL' criteria below. Both US277 and US298 have parents, US299 has no parent, all three stories match the filter criteria. Note the added columns on the far right side which are 'Has Parent (User Story)' and 'Children (User Story)'.