Increasing Governor Limits in Clarity
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Increasing Governor Limits in Clarity


Article ID: 186778


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How can the Governor Limits, such as the Max XML Nodes be increased in Clarity?

Example Governor Limits:

  • Document Size (DMS_DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE)
  • Export to Excel (E2E_MAX_ROWS)
  • Objects/NSQL Limit (MAX_FETCH_LIMIT)
  • Timesheet Tasks (MAX_TIMESHEET_TASKS)
  • Max XML Nodes (MAX_XML_NODES)
  • Max Investment Attributes (PFM_LIMITS_MAX_INV_ATTRS)
  • PFM Limit on Roles (PFM_LIMITS_MAX_ROLES)
  • Export to Excel (App) (E2E_MAX_ROWS_APP)
  • Export to Excel Timer (E2E_TIMER)
  • Max To-Do Items for a Task (MAX_TODOS_PER_TASK)
  • Max documents (DMS_MAX_DOCUMENTS)
  • Max attachments (ODF_MAX_ATTACHMENTS)
  • CSV Import Limit (CSV_IMPORT_LIMIT)
  • CSV Export Limit (E2CSV_MAX_ROWS)
  • Export to CSV Timer (E2CSV_TIMER)
  • Maximum request parameters (MAX_REQUEST_PARAMETER_COUNT)


Governor limits have a current limit, a default limit (out of the box value), and a critical limit (maximum value). It is not possible to increase the current limit past the critical limit.

Review the current values and limits by checking Governor Settings (Maximum Data Limits) after confirming your Clarity version at the top.

Increasing the limits above the defined recommendations can impact performance.


If you are an On Premise Customer:

Use the admin commands to modify the default governor limit settings.

For example, in order to modify the Max XML Nodes limit from the current value to 200,000 nodes, execute this command:

admin governors -set MAX_XML_NODES 200000

A restart of app and nsa services is necessary for the new value to take effect.


If you are a SaaS (On Demand) Customer:

The governor limits are set to the most optimal values and cannot be changed in SaaS.

Additional Information

Make sure that the displayed version for the documentation matches the Clarity version you are using: