SYSVIEW - How to get the equivalent information to the SYSVIEW PLOT CICS TRANRATE NAME command in the CA Mainframe Team Center
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SYSVIEW - How to get the equivalent information to the SYSVIEW PLOT CICS TRANRATE NAME command in the CA Mainframe Team Center


Article ID: 186667


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


The command

PLOT CICS TRANRATE NAME => from SYSVIEW produces a character-mode chart, where a time interval appears on the X axis, and on the Y axis TranRate is displayed.

How to get this information through Mainframe Team Center?


CA Mainframe Team Center - Sysview 15.0


There is no list of MTC actions that match the Sysview command lines.


On Mainframe Team Center . Management Screen
1) Select CICS
2) Select Historical Collection
3) Select CSYSDATA - System Intvl Analysis
4) Click on the gear icon
5) Click FILTER 
6) Click ON JOBNAME 
7) Fill in CICS’s name
8) Click TIME
9) Click BTWN
10) Fill time in hhmmss format
11) Click AND
12) Click DATE in dd-mmm-aa format
13) Click REFRESH
14) Click FILTER
15) Select X-Asis and mark the options
16) Select Y-Asis and mark the options
17) Click on the chart icon

Additional Information

Detailed information regarding Mainframe Team Center can be found here:      
Detailed information regarding CA Sysview Plot Command can be found here:


1584463551028__MTC CICS.pdf get_app