Installing products or maintenance to products with USS directories fail with BPXF140E RETURN CODE 0000008B, REASON CODE 5BC80004. For example: BPXF150I MVS DATA SET WITH DDNAME SYSUT1 SUCCESSFULLY COPIED INTO BINARY HFS FILE /cai/CSIQ180/ESCM/software/ECLPBINZ.
BPXF140E RETURN CODE 0000008B, REASON CODE 5BC80004. A LINK FAILED FOR LINK NAME /cai/CSIQ180/ESCM/software/../tpv/tomcat/webapps/endevor_eclipse.
Release : 6.0
Component : CAICCI-MVS
The user id being used for the install does not have facility BPX.CAHFS.CHANGE.FILE.FORMAT.
This is a permissions/authority issue. The 5BC80004 HFS reason code points us to a problem involving permission to change the attributes (file format) of the HFS file.
There is a facility class called BPX.CAHFS.CHANGE.FILE.FORMAT that allows a user to change the file format including text data delimiters or binary file format. Run this by your security administrator to grant access to this facility class for your non-UID(0) users in order for this to work correctly.