SET WEIGHT and SET DEFCAP HMC commands issued by CA Dynamic Capacity Intelligence Agent running on an LPAR (e.g. SYS1) for another LPAR (e.g. SYS2) are not executed and gets the following errors:
DCI0999E: ERROR HWICONNL : (00000001/00000202)
DCI0999E: ERROR HWICONNL : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Reviewed HMC and RACF authorizations (see "Configure Security for BCPii Enabled Agents" section on DCI 2.0 documentation) and they looked fine.
Running on a z14 hardware.
Release : 2.0
When running on a z14 hardware or above, the BCPii enabled agents require Level 2 connection to HMC.
See "HWICONN — Establish a BCPii connection" section on IBM documentation, namely the "Return codes" page for 202 meaning:
When targeting a z14 or higher CPC, the BCPii request does not have proper permission granted by the SE for the target object.