SOI ModelUpdates and AlarmGlobalUpdates queues are very large and are delaying alarm processing
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SOI ModelUpdates and AlarmGlobalUpdates queues are very large and are delaying alarm processing


Article ID: 186397


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


You notice that SOI started processing alarms with huge delays in alarm updates.
Reviewing further, you can see that the following job queues have very large Enqueue counts:

AlarmGlobalUpdates is at over 2 million
ModelUpdates is over 32 million


Release : 4.2

Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager


This article is informational


The queue counts relate to the ca_ssa* tables and it is these tables that will need clearing.

Run the following queries with SOI Manager down and ensure a backup of the SAMStore has been taken.

This set of queries will clean up any items remaining from deleted notebooks:

delete from ca_ssa_ci_timestamp where id not in (select id from ca_ssa_ci_detail)
delete from ca_ssa_tags where id not in (select id from ca_ssa_notebooks)
delete from ca_ssa_notebooks_timestamp where id not in (select id from ca_ssa_notebooks)

This set of queries will clean up any items left over from synchronization tasks:

delete from ca_ssa_tags where tagname like '%synchronization.inprogress%'
delete from ca_ssa_tags where tagname like '%synched.pending%'
delete from ca_ssa_tags where tagname='synched.known.mdrs'

The queries should not need to be run regularly but can be included as part of scheduled SOI Maintenance if desired.