AYT06MKD JCL job in Datacom Server 15.0 S1902 installation
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AYT06MKD JCL job in Datacom Server 15.0 S1902 installation


Article ID: 186371


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Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB Datacom/Server


What is the purpose of AYT06MKD member located in the SAMPJCL library of DATACOM SERVER 15.0 S1902? 


Release: 15.0
Component: Datacom Server


As it can be read on the AYTAREAD member of Datacom Server 15.0 S1902 SAMPJCL library, the jobs contained on AYT06MKD and AYT15CSU members are optional and must be executed only if you plan to install FMID CAYTF02 (i.e. the USS component of Datacom Server):
AYT06MKD- Allocate product USS Directories (Only required if installing CAYTF02)
AYT15CSU- Customize SMP/E CSI for USS (Only required if installing CAYTF02)