How To Determine The Cause of High Latch Wait Time Using IDB2?
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How To Determine The Cause of High Latch Wait Time Using IDB2?


Article ID: 186270


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite Insight Performance Monitor for DB2 UDB for z/OS


High Latch Wait(QWACAWLH) were noticed in several jobs. Trying to determine if this field can be broken to determine exactly what is causing the high wait times


Release : 20.0

Component : CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB for z/OS


This is how to deal with this problem:

1- Use the System History to find the latch counts by interval or summarize the intervals during which the jobs ran.

2- There is an enhancement project that is going to add new fields for latch contention, which are by thread(not by DB2 subsystem). It's work in progress with no date when it will be published.