Roadmaps grid unable to load view: "Loading Data... Please Wait"
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Roadmaps grid unable to load view: "Loading Data... Please Wait"


Article ID: 186168


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After creating a custom grid view and saving, the next time you are unable to open the view. You see message:  "Loading Data... Please Wait". The data never shows / displays. 

The logs don't show any errors or warnings. To fix the issue, you have to delete the view and recreate a new one. If this situation reappears, is there any way you can fix the view to make it loading, instead of deleting and recreating?


Release : All supported releases



Step 1: Review the columns

  1. Remove all possible columns from the view.
  2. Ensure the columns added to the view are indeed the ones selected. 

If there are discrepancies between the grid view and the columns selected on the Columns panel, select and deselect as necessary.

Step 2: Restore View Options settings

  1. Go to the View Options menu
  2. Note all options selected and remove them.

Step 3: Rest Column and View Options

Once the view is set back to the default using the steps above, the roadmap items should load. Reset the View Options and Columns as per your prior configuration

Step 4: If the issue reoccurs

Below are steps you could try if this occurs again:

  1. Navigate somewhere else (i.e. Timesheets etc) and then navigate back. See if the View loads
  2. Clear browser cache
  3. Restart the browser and try again.
  4. Try another browser
  5. Enable Dev Tools on the browser and see if there is any specific errors in the console

Step 5: If the above does not help

If the above doesn't help, or if the issue continues to reoccur, please contact Broadcom support for assistance. Providing the below can help expedite assistance:

  1. Har file from the developer tools trace
  2. Steps already tried

Additional Information

See also: