Do we need to post process all of the existing program listing after we apply PTF SO09939?
Article ID: 186133
Updated On:
InterTest - CICSInterTest - Batch
From SO09939 HOLDDATA:
"To apply the changes after you install the PTF, you need to postprocessor your listing from Micro Focus ChangeMan® into your PROTSYM again."
Does it mean that we need to post process all of the existing program listing after we apply PTF SO09939?
Release : 11.0
Component : CA InterTest for CICS
SO09939 was created to fix a specific problem with COBOL compile listings provided by a specific version of the Micro Focus ChangeMan software. CA InterTest/Batch users received a "LISTING NOT AVAILABLE" error message if they tried to read a PROTSYM member. It happened only when the COBOL compile and link process was controlled by ChangeMan. Only these specific listings must be reprocessed via IN25COB2. If you don't use Micro Focus ChangeMan, and if you don't receive a "LISTING NOT AVAILABLE" error message if you try to read a PROTSYM member in CA InterTest/Batch, you don't need to reprocess any compile listing.
Additional Information
ChangeMan was creating "SYSIN.." records with X'00' in the DDNAME: VFYILOD.SYSPRINT. IN25COB2 did not correctly handle these low values. This has been fixed by SO09939.