Changed from [DR: Single configuration] to [DR: Fault tolerance configuration: 3 units].
After adding a node, the backup ini file was modified.
After that, when DR backup was performed a WARNING 6046 was output.
・The backup of each DR is backed up to the backup designated folder.
Upon examining the contents, the k-safety setting was left at 0 (single configuration).
Release : 3.7
Component : IM Data Storage
1. Log into vsql as the "dradmin" user:
2. Run (replace <SCHEMA> with the schema name, eg. dauser):
select export_objects('/tmp/migration_status.sql', '<SCHEMA>.migration_status');
3. Edit the file /tmp/migration_status.sql
4. Remove the CREATE TABLE definition and everything above it.
a. change name from migration_status_super to migration_status_super_b1
b. after ALL NODES and before the semi-colon add: OFFSET 1
c. Before the SELECT MARK_DESIGN_SAFE line, add this line: SELECT START_REFRESH();
d. Change the 0 in MARK_DESIGN_KSAFE(0) to 1
6. Save the migration_status.sql file
7. Run: /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U dradmin -w <dradminPASS> -f /tmp/migration_status.sql
8. It should say something like the following: