How to change the Poll Rate for a device in Performance Management
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How to change the Poll Rate for a device in Performance Management


Article ID: 186105


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


There is one firewall that is having issues and is dropping snmp traffic from Performance Management. I have been asked to poll it less frequently.  (I believe the default is 5 or 10 min polling.) How do I change the frequency?

How to change Poll Rate for one device?

How to slow down the Poll Rate?

How to accelerate the Poll Rate?


All supported Dx NetOps Performance Management releases


Poorly performing network devices unable to respond properly in standard poll rate cycle.


SNMP Poll Rate configuration starts at the Monitoring Profile (MP) level. Changing the Poll Rate configured on a Monitoring Profile will change it on all devices and their related component items that are associated to that MP.

Note that the lowest Poll Rate applied to the device wins. If we have two identical MP's tied to a device, one set to a Poll Rate of 5 minutes, and one to 10 minutes, the 5 minute Poll Rate would win. We will always favor the lowest rate available.

The only way to manage this for a single device is via a special Monitoring Profile that sets the desired Poll Rate. Any Device associated to it via a Collection linked to the custom MP will get assigned the modified Poll Rate set in the custom MP.

The high level steps to configure this are:
  • Create custom MP containing the Metric Families that the device(s) need. Can duplicate/copy the ones the device currently uses giving it a name that indicates its use.
  • Set the desired Poll Rate on the custom MP.
  • Create a custom Collection group with the target device(s). Maybe it's something like "Slow Devices".
  • Tie the new MP to the new Collection.
  • Remove the device(s) from Collections where other MPs might be trying to poll it at 5 minutes.

Additional Information

NOTE: The lowest supported and recommended Poll Rate is 1 minute/60 seconds.