Rally: Release Field does not display on our Feature Portfolio Item anymore
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Rally: Release Field does not display on our Feature Portfolio Item anymore


Article ID: 186046


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


The Release field is no longer available on the Feature template. It is available on the Team Feature template. 


The Release field information is only available for certain artifact types AND ONLY the bottom level Portfolio Item.  

Since the Bottom Level Portfolio Item for this subscription is Team Feature, the Release information will only display on that Portfolio Item type. 

You can verify Team Feature is now the bottom level PI with the following steps:

1.  Open the Administration Setup (wrench and screwdriver icon)
2.  Workspaces and Projects
3.  Select workspace
4.  Select Fields
5.  Type of field:  Portfolio Item
6.  Edit "Portfolio Item Type"
7.  Note how the Portfolio Items are laid out.  Team Feature will display at the bottom if it is the bottom Portfolio Item type.

So to sum it up, only the bottom level Portfolio Item will display any Release information.