The login does not work and EE_AUTHFAILED error authenticating user is reported.
In stdlogs:
Nodename bopauth_nxd 6884 ERROR eiamAuth.c 477 Error authenticating user: '<username>' - EE_AUTHFAILED Authentication Failed success - took '31' miliseconds.
In EEM logs:
TRACE [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::attachPoz - Leave : retval 1
INFO [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::setFailover: failover set to server [EEMsecondaryserver]
ERROR 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::isFailoverRequired: Could not communicate with the EEM Server, server returned with errorcode= 704
WARN 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] Network::RunPrivilegeMethodV aginst [host EEMprimaryserver sponsor iPoz method GetUserSession] was not successful. [error code = 704] [ error = failed to create user profile]
TRACE 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::setFailover(hostname) - Enter : args [Hostname=EEMprimaryserver
WARN 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] Backend server EEMprimaryserver couldn't be contacted.
TRACE 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::setFailover - Enter : args [Status=1]
TRACE 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::setFailover - Leave
WARN 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::setFailover: EEM server will try to failover in following order [EEMsecondaryserver EEMprimaryserver ]
TRACE 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::attachPoz - Enter
DEBUG 2020-02-14 09:37:52,684 [0x0000282c] [PozFactory] PozFactory::attachPoz - Calling ispUtil::BuildFilter : params [ProductInstance=PozAdmin]
Release : 17.x
2 EEM nodes setup for failover.