The stats for some of my recordings are: Encoding Error
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The stats for some of my recordings are: Encoding Error


Article ID: 185938


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM) CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


In my list of recordings in the CAPAM dashboard under Sessions/Session Recordings, I cannot open some recordings.  The status shows me an error that says "Encoding Error".

Under Configuration/Logs/Session Recording on the Access Policy tab, the setting is Connect Anyway (Operationally Safe). This is supposed to let recordings go through even if the connection to the target server is not so good.


Release : 2.X, 3.X



Recordings are started regardless of the settings.  Operationally safe allows recordings to be made even if the connection would deliver a bad recording. In the case of Encoding Error, there is no recording.  There could be either one of two problems.

1- There is a problem with the recording server or share.  In this case most recordings would have the same status of Encoding Error.  This could occur at certain times or be down 100%.  To see the status of the Recording Share, go to Configuration/Logs/Session Recording on the External Storage tab.

2- The problem is only with a couple of Target Servers or only one Target server in particular.  This would mean there are network related problems to that server in particular.


1- In the case of an External Storage share becoming Unmounted because of network or server communication problems, you may only need to click on Mount to remount the share. If that does not work, you would need to determine if the recording server is available or something changed on the share itself (folder permissions).   Start by using the Configuration/Tools page to attempt to reach the recording server with Ping would be a good place to start.  Then use the rest of the tools as well.

2- In the case of a server having issues with recordings, you would use the Configuration/Tools page as in #1, to attempt to reach the Target server to check connectivity.  You could also check with your network team to see if this server had any network issues. 

Additional Information

Documentation for the tools on Configuration/Tools page: