Assistance needed to install OM Web Viewer 14.0
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Assistance needed to install OM Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 185932


Updated On:


View Output Management Web Viewer


Though the client had attended sprint sessions and had read documentation, it was noted that there was a lack of direction with the installation portion of the documentation.

The client wanted the steps for the procedure. 


  • Output Management Web Viewer 14.0
  • View® 14.0
  • Deliver™ 14.0
  • Spool™ 14.0
  • Common Components and Services for z/OS 15.0
  • IBM Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) – required for the Tomcat
  • JAVA 8 64 bit 
  • Apache Tomcat® 9
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server (Liberty)
  • DRAS 14.0 (if also running Web Viewer 12.1)


Needed guidance


OM Web Viewer 14.0 Installation/Deployment Instructions (Previously known as MTC Content Viewer 14.0)

Web Viewer 14 is referenced in the online View® Documentation - Install Web Viewer

The Web Viewer 14 FMID is CCAFE00, and it is packaged together with View/Deliver, and the CA Spool Java standalone Transformers.  
If you did not include the CCAFE00 FMID, you will need to install View/Deliver again, just installing the CCAFE00 FMID.

The package can be downloaded manually, from the Broadcom Support site:

 . Select and download a component that contains the product package:


CA View, CA Deliver, CA OM Web Viewer 14.0 0000 - Product Package

SMP/E JCLDVD0000000000961.pax.z

176.11 MB


CA View, CA Deliver, CA OM Web Viewer 14.0 0000 - Product Package



Please refer to the official documentation which contains updated information:

View® 14.0

 Web Viewer 14.0

 Common Components and Services for z/OS 15.0


  1. Prereqisites:
  • View®/Deliver™ 14.0 continuous delivery package installed
  • If you want to have both Web Viewer v12.1 and v14 up and running on the same View® Databases, then please be sure to have View®/Deliver™  upgraded to v14 and the  DRAS server configured
  • Common Services v15 which will have the Tomcat v9.x included and also the Java to z/OS Service.
  • IBM Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) – required for Apache Tomcat®
  • JAVA 8 64 bit 
  1. Install OM Web Viewer 14 from SMP/E.  The FMID is CCAFE00.
  • After install check that the ZFS filesystem was created and mounted to the mount-point of your choice. Check that the USS files are available.


/u/users/cai/view/runtime/webviewer is the mount-point of the filesystem.

Below is the list of USS files/directories that are currently shipped with the install.
They  should be visible after the install and at the mount-point specified:

 . h2.jar          

 . log4j2.xml      

 . ConfigFile.cfg  

 . CA              

 . CAWVHOME        

 . Web-Viewer.war

 . MTC-ContentViewer-properties.war

 . Web-Viewer-util.jar

 . NOTICE.txt      

 . WebViewer.jar   


 . WebViewer.war    


 3. Prepare the Apache Tomcat® server. This will be used by OM Web Viewer14.0

  • The OM Web Viewer 14.0 application requires to be deployed in a web application server. Apache Tomcat® is such an example. IBM WebSphere Application Server may also be used.
  • Create a new ZFS filesystem which will contain a copy of the CCS sample Tomcat.
  • Sample JCL can be found under the CCS HLQ. **.CAW0JCL(TOMDPLOY)
    1. Step DEFINSO creates the ZFS. I would recommend to use CYL(500 50)
    2. Step FMTSO formats the ZFS.
    3. Step MKDIR creates a new directory where the ZFS will be mounted

Ex: /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat    

  1. Step CEG1ZFS1 mounts the newly ZFS to the directory. Verify PARM('AGGRGROW')
  2. Step COPYTC copies the tomcat from the CCS directory to the new directory

Ex: cp -R /u/users/cai/tomcat /u/users/cai/view/tpv


  1. Deploy OM Web Viewer 14.0 in the newly created Apache Tomcat® directory.
  • Copy several files from the directory containing the install files of OM Web Viewer to the directory where there is the instance of Apache Tomcat®
  • Use TSO OMVS or any other way of copying files from one USS directory to another
    1. copy CAWVHOME.



cd /u/users/cai/view/runtime/webviewer          - go to install WV dir

cp –R CAWVHOME /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat     - copy to my tomcat dir

  1. Copy the H2 database



cd /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat                   - go to my tomcat dir

mkdir H2                                        - create a dir for H2 DB

cd /u/users/cai/view/runtime/webviewer          - go to install WV dir

cp h2.jar /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/H2            - copy the H2 DB

  1. Copy the .war files to the webapps for auto deployment



cd /u/users/cai/view/runtime/webviewer            - go to install WV dir

cp MTC-ContentViewer.war /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/webapps 

cp MTC-ContentViewer-properties.war /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/webapps 


  1. Configuration.
  • OM Web Viewer 14.0 is an application that is deployed in a Apache Tomcat® Web Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • The Tomcat Web Server is an application that runs in a JVM
  • The JVM requires standard environment variables to be configured
  • The JVM can be started in z/OS as a JOB or a STC


  1. Configure OM Web Viewer
  • The file containing the parameters is in the CAWVHOME directory

Ex: /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/CAWVHOME/config/ConfigFile.cfg

  • Log level can be left to Info


  • Check to have the table names uncommented.

SCHEMANAME = "CV_MASTER";                       


  • The H2 DB is to point to the H2 directory, to where was copied the h2.jar. The H2DB is the name of the DB. Once OM Web Viewer starts for the first time, if there’s no H2 DB, it will create one at the targeted location. You need to specify an user and pass for the H2.

DBTYPE = "H2";                                  

DBLOCATION = "/u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/H2/H2DB";

DBUSER = "<userid>";   

DBPASSWORD = "<......>";

  • Default group name can be used to enforce the users to go to a repository group in case they don’t specify one. That group access can be control with external security.


  • In case of using a special charset for report names, set this to true




  1. Configure Apache Tomcat®
  • We are configuring the tomcat that we created from the copy.
  • The xml file contains various options for the server

Ex: /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/conf/server.xml

  1. Update the server port shutdown

Ex: <Server port="-1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

  1. For the purpose of this minimal install, HTTP will be used.  Be sure to use an open port. Check with network security if there is a firewall. Be sure to have one <Connector statement uncommented(remove <!-- and -->)

<Connector port="8083" protocol="HTTP/1.1"  






           minSpareThreads="50" />          

  1. Check to have the deployment settings


<Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" 


      unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

  • CCS V15 delivers Tomcat v9. The xml file in this version contains several methods that have been deactivated for HTTP. Please comment them out. When using HTTPS, these contraints can be left uncommented.

Ex: /u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat/conf/web.xml




          <web-resource-name><strong>restricted methods</strong></web-resource-name>








      <auth-constraint />                                                            





  1. Configure the JVM STC
  • Sample JCL can be found in **. CVDEOPTN(CAHVTOMX) under the View install HQL
  • Log level can be left to LOGLVL='+I'
  • VIEWHQL is used for the STEPLIB. The CVDELOAD library containing View load modules is required for Web Viewer v14. It can be in the STEPLIB or LINKLIST.
  • VIEWHQL is also used for pointing the CEEOPTS and STDENV DD to the library and members containing LE parms and Standard Environment Variables
  • CCSHLQ is used in STEPLIB and points to the CCS load library. If the CAW0PLD is in the linklist, then it’s not necessary to specify it here
  • STDENVX DD is commented out by default. In case you need to use the Spool JAVA transformers for AFP/META/PCL, you need to configure this one as well
  • Security requirement for the STC USERID.
  • Requirement for CCS Tomcat User

Security Requirements

  1. Configure the JVM standard environment variables
  • The following updates can be done via a REXX(CAHVEALL), but recommended is a manual update for better control
  • Sample of the variable setup can be found in the **. CVDEOPTN(CAHVCENV) under the View install HQL.


export JAVA_HOME=/sys/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 - set this to the java path available to your system

CV_INSTALL_HOME=/u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat – set this to the path you have created and where you have the WV14 Tomcat

J2Z_DUMP_HLQ=SHARE.VIEW – set this to a HLQ which will be used when the JVM will create dumps in case of errors

#BASE_INSTALL – you may comment out this line. Most likely the CCS Tomcat and the WV14 Tomcat are under different path

#INSTALL_HOME – you may comment out this line

#PRODUCT_HOME – you may comment out this line

CATALINA_HOME=/u/users/cai/tomcat – set this to the CCS Tomcat path. We will be using the CCS Tomcat lib & bin libraries. In case there’s an fix applied to the CCS Tomcat, then the WV14 Tomcat will be using it as well.

CATALINA_BASE=/u/users/cai/view/tpv/tomcat – set this to the WV14 Tomcat path

H2_JAR=${CV_INSTALL_HOME}/H2/h2.jar – set this to where the h2.jar file is

LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/s390x/classic – make sure that files under this path have the extended attribute of program controlled active

IJO="$IJO -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m" – you may lower these for test LPAR

export CAWVHOME=${CATALINA_BASE}/CAWVHOME – check that this variable is set to the CAWVHOME directory in the WV14 Tomcat filesystem 

External security

  • The CHA1VIEW resource class has to be updated to control the 2 new resource names used by Web Viewer: WEBVWR.ADMIN and WEBVWR.GROUP.groupname

External Security

  • Optional – setup an external H2 DB

Create an H2 Database Server

  • Optional – configure HTTPS and SSL keys for the Tomcat

Configure HTTPS to Override HTTP 

  • Optional – setup the Spool JAVA transformers

Configure Web Viewer To Use The Java Transformers

  • Optional – migrate the repositories from WV12.1 to WV14

Migrate from a DRAS Config File to Your Application Database 

  • Optional – migrate the export rules from WV12.1 to WV14

Migrate Export Rules from Web Viewer 12.1

  •  Optional – run CAHVCFUP utility to update your configFile.cfg

Run the CAHVCFUP Job to Update the Configuration File

  • Optional – configure logging

Product Logging

  •  Optional – configure management of offline reports

Automate the Recall of Offline Reports

  • Optional – try the REST APIs

Integrate with Rest API

  • Optional – try the CA View Zowe CLI plugin

Integrate with Zowe CLI

Additional Information

For information on the installation of CA Content Viewer, now named OM Web Viewer:


Deploy the product to a WebSphere Application Server