Error when testing Spectrum OneClick integration with LDAP
SPC-OCA-10490: Could not connect to the external authentication server.`
SPC-OCA-10492: Could not connect to the alternate external authentication server
Release : Any
Component : Spectrum OneClick
1. Ensure there are no issues with the communication between the OneClick system and port 389 on the LDAP server. For example, ports are open in the firewall.
2. If not using port 389, ensure communication between the OneClick system and the port on the LSPA server.
3. Ensure you are using the correct port in the Server Port field of the OneClick LDAP Configuration page
4. Ensure you are using the correct ip addresses in the Server IP field of the OneClick LDAP Configuration page
5. Ensure hostname resolution between the OneClick and LDAP server is correct
6.If none of the above works, try changing the LDAP hostname to the IP of the LDAP server in the OneClick Administration - LDAP Configuration page, change the Server Name and the Secondary Name to be the IP of the LDAP server or try supplying the FQDN. Enable the following OneClick debugging to check for errors:
7. If the connection still fails, enable debug:
a. Log into the OneClick Web page as the superuser
b. Click on the Administration link
c. Click on the Debugging link
d. Click on the Web Server Debug Page (Runtime) link
e. Scroll down the list and find and enable the "SSORB Security SP" debugging
f. Scroll to the bottom of the page and set the Desired Level to MAX and then click on the Apply button
g. Reproduce the issue
h. Review the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/catalina.out file (Linux) or stdout.log file (Windows) for errors