CA View - User Receiving Message "Invalid distribution ID"
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CA View - User Receiving Message "Invalid distribution ID"


Article ID: 185657


Updated On:


Deliver View


A user has a new role and cannot print a report. 
They used the same DEST ID and report as their coworkers. 
They can view the report, but not print. 
The report is defined in Deliver. 

Can you tell us what to look for? 


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The user did not have the same DISTID MASK and DISTID assigned as all other database users did.

The client found the problem in that they had eliminated a user profile exit SARPRFUX, which loads the SARUSRTB User Profile Attribute Table.

They re-established the exit, which will assign ALL or EXPO based on the user's UserID.
The exit also assigned DISTID MASK and DISTID.