Successfully downloaded the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS PAX file (DVD03101804E.pax.Z) to USS environment and unpacked it
using the unpack job provided. The next step is to run the UNZIPJCL job provided to create the SAMPJCL library, and the MCS library and the products RELFILES in TSO.
The UNZIPJCL job that was provided only creates the SAMPJCL. There are no MCS library and RELFILES created, so the SMP/E job to receive the product does not work.
The native SMP/E PAX install process for the Database Management Solutions r20 has been changed. The UNZIPJCL job only creates the SAMPJCL PDS.
It is within the actual SMP/E RECEIVE job, DBM20RCB, that the product RELFILES (derived from the pathname specified in the SMPNTS DD) are copied.
The pathname in the DBM20RCB job should be where the DBMK0B0 directory resides.
The DBM20RCB job will dynamically allocate the RELFILES to datasets for subsequent processing by the DBM30APB job which will APPLY
the base product, and then the DBM40ACB job will ACCEPT the base product
Upon successful completion of the DBM40ACB (ACCEPT process) the RELFILE datasets will be deleted.