DevTest JDBC step with DB stored procedure call fails with: Missing IN or OUT parameter
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DevTest JDBC step with DB stored procedure call fails with: Missing IN or OUT parameter


Article ID: 185571


Updated On:


CA Cloud Test Mobile CA Application Test Service Virtualization


When testing a JDBC step with a database procedure call that contains a ? (question mark) as a parameter, the step fails with the following error: 
java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 2


Release : 10.x

Component : Service Virtualization


For a stored procedure call in the JDBC step, all parameters should be listed in the Parameter panel and not in the SQL Statement itself.
So the syntax in the SQL Statement panel should look like:
call mydbprocedure

Notes regarding the DB procedure syntax:
No begin, end
No braces at the end of the procedure ()
No semicolon
No curly braces

Also 'Return Result Set' should not be ticked.
In a SQL statement like SELECT or INSERT, it is possible to use a question mark.

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