The TSS1621W warning msg is saying the Owning ACID(xxxxxx) is getting close to maxing out.Issue TSS LIS(xxxxxx) DATA(ALL) to solve this you will need to split the Resource Ownership.Options:Create a new department or used another existing department,(be careful of the size.)Then use the UNDERCUT command to move the Ownerexample:TSS ADD(New-Dept1) DSN(CCIS.DSNB) UNDERCUTTSS ADD(New-Dept2) CSFKEYS(xxxx) UNDERCUTTo determine which resources to move to clear up room for XXXXXX. If most ACIDS need that DSN or CSFKEYS would recommend just define a New Department and
only have it own that 1 resource.
Will see TSS0473E MAX SIZE EXCEEDED when Dept ACID is full when trying to ADD or Permit.
When full will NOT be able to for example add a Profile owned by that or permit resources owned by that Dept.