UIM - how we can pull historical alerts report
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UIM - how we can pull historical alerts report


Article ID: 185499


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We want to know how we can pull historical alert reports - Like from Jan-20 to a future date. It needs to include all types of alerts.


Release: 8.51 or higher

Component: Operator Console


  • Alarm reporting


In the Operator Console, you can view the historical data of the alarms in the alarms table. To do so, select "Show Historical" from the global three-dot Actions menu. This displays all the alarms for the devices, including cleared alarms.

Then on the same Actions button, choose "Export to Excel" - note that you might have to adjust the zoom on your browser to be able to see and select the Export Alarms on the bottom of the pick list or you can select a range of alarms based on time or use a filter and then 'Export Selected Alarms.'

If you'd like to use a script, see two options below:

How to export alarms from nas to a file using a script

You may also check the Broadcom UIM Community for customization, scripts, ideas, etc.

Additional Information

Sample queries

List alarms for the last 30 days from nas_transaction_log (= details)

select l.time, l.type, l.nimid, l.level, l.severity, l.message, l.subsys, l.source, l.hostname, l.prid, l.robot, l.hub, l.nas,l.domain, l.suppcount, a.suppcount, l.visible, a.supp_key, l.nimts, DATEDIFF(DAY, l.nimts,l.time) durationdd, CONVERT(varchar(8), DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(minute, l.nimts,l.time), 0), 114) durationhh, l.sid,l.acknowledged_by, l.user_tag1, l.user_tag2,l.origin,l.assigned_by,l.assigned_to
from nas_transaction_log l with(nolock)
left outer join nas_alarms a with(nolock) on l.nimid = a.nimid
WHERE l.time >= DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())
 order by l.time, l.suppcount

List alarms for the last 30 days from nas_transaction_summary (1 line for each nimid)

select l.time, l.nimid, l.level, l.severity, l.message, l.subsys, l.source, l.hostname, l.prid, l.robot, l.hub, l.nas,l.domain, l.suppcount, l.visible, l.supp_key, l.nimts, l.sid,l.acknowledged_by,
l.user_tag1, l.user_tag2,l.origin,l.assigned_by,l.assigned_to,l.custom_1,l.custom_2,l.custom_3,l.custom_4,l.custom_5
from nas_transaction_summary l with(nolock)
WHERE l.time >= DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())
 order by l.time