CHA0118E recovering database to -1 GDG Image Copy
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CHA0118E recovering database to -1 GDG Image Copy


Article ID: 185481


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High Performance Recovery for IMS for z/OS


A recovery job fails when specifying a recover image copy of -1 GDG and DBRC=Y.

The following mismatch error message is issued: 

CHA5107I VERIFY IC INPUT - MISMATCH FOR DDNAME "icddname", DBD/DDN "dbdname/ddname".
CHA5108I JCL  IC: DSN(-1 GDG image copy dataset specified in JCL        ), VOL(volser)
CHA5108I DBRC IC: DSN(0 GDG image copy dataset registered in DBRC       ), VOL(volser)


The job was successfully executed when specifying DBRC=N.



The mismatch error reported by Change Accumulation is to be expected in this scenario. The verify function determines that you are not recovering to the latest image copy registered in DBRC. The verify function issues the messages so that you are aware that you are not recovering to the most recent image copy.


To resolve this mismatch failure and in order for the recover to a -1 GDG to work, we need to disable the Verify process. The easiest way to do this is to add the VERIFY=NO parameter to the HPRRECOV member of your global parmlib library. But you need to be aware that doing this will impact any recover jobs that reference this parmlib. Therefore we recommend creating a new global parmlib library just for these -1 GDG recovery jobs.