DLP IT Analytics
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DLP IT Analytics


Article ID: 185452


Updated On:


IT Analytics


Upon adding multiple DLP data sources, the server name is always shown as "/protect" in cubes views such as "DLP Agent Status"


Release :

Component : 15.5.1


Defect in the logic for parsing DLP server name.


Using Microsoft SQL Studio, connect to ITAnalytics DB
1- Edit spITAnalytics_DLP_CreateViews

locate the lines
select '[' + srv.name + ']' as [LinkedServerName], substring(srv.data_source,0, charindex(':', srv.data_source, 0)) + substring(srv.data_source,charindex('/', srv.data_source, 0), LEN(srv.data_source))  as [DLPServerName]
from sys.servers srv WHERE srv.name LIKE 'ITANALYTICS\_DLP\_' + @ITADBName + '\_%' ESCAPE '\'

and replace with below, then execute to apply changes

select '[' + srv.name + ']' as [LinkedServerName], 
  case when charindex(':', srv.data_source, 0) > 0
  then charindex(':', srv.data_source, 0)
  else charindex('/', srv.data_source, 0)end)
  + substring(srv.data_source,charindex('/', srv.data_source, 0), LEN(srv.data_source))  as [DLPServerName]
from sys.servers srv WHERE srv.name LIKE 'ITANALYTICS\_DLP\_' + @ITADBName + '\_%' ESCAPE '\'

2- Run below SQL command to re-create all ITA views
EXEC spITAnalytics_DLP_CreateViews

To validate that server names are now returned as expected run below query
select * from vITAnalytics_DLP_ServerDim

3- Process All cubes by running your scheduled task via ITA console

NB.: It's recommended to take a full DB backup prior applying any changes