A good example of a dynamic base path in a Listen step with the REST DPH is the http-rest.vsm
The example http-rest.vsm can be found in the 'Bank v5' project that is installed if the Demoserver is installed.
Note the following:
- In the HTTP/S listener step, Base path is configured as '/'. This is because the URL is parsed by the REST DPH.
- Under Filters -> Data Protocol Filter, the URI Rules are shown.
For example: GET /3/movie/{URLPARAM0}/
{URLPARAM0} indicates the parameter part of the URL
- In the corresponding http-rest.vsi, the transactions are shown:
For example: GET /3/movie/{URLPARAM0}/
In this case there are 5 responses for 5 specific values: 49047, 76338, 87421, 71679, top_rated
- The Request Data, Arguments shows: URLPARAM0 = 49047
The = sign could be changed to the word 'anything' so it matches any value.
- The Response 1 of 1 shows in the body: {{=request_URLPARAM0;/*49047*/}}
The value of URLPARAM0 of the request can be returned in the response.
This was because URLPARAM0 was ticked as magic in the request data.