Sharing IPC VLS files
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Sharing IPC VLS files


Article ID: 18537


Updated On: 12-08-2022


Ideal IPC


Which IPC VLS files can and cannot be shared?


IPC 15.1


ADRTRC (not a VLS library) - Not sharable

ADROUT - Recommend separate ADROUTs with different SYSTEM and PREFIX names for each environment.

When ADROUT is shared, all outputs and defined printers are available to all of the environments. Also, there is a possibility of output contention (that is, users in two different environments cannot view the same output simultaneously). When ADROUT is not shared, different SYSTEM and PREFIX names must be defined in each environment. 

ADRPNL - Not sharable if ADROUTs are unique .

When ADRPNL is shared, the same site options are in effect for all of the environments. ADRPNL is not sharable if you have separate ADROUTs because the ADROUT options (member PSS#OPTIONS) reside in ADRPNL.

ADRLIB - Sharable. 

When ADRLIB is shared, the same jobcards are in effect for all of the environments.

IDDAT - Sharable.

When IDDAT is shared, the same members are available in all of the environments.

IDDVW - Sharable ONLY in a shared dictionary environment.

DDOFILE and DDOFIL2 - Not sharable

DDOFILE and DDOFIL2 are DD work files and must be unique to each region. CICS could potentially be writing to the same member at the same time which could corrupt the VLS file.

MDUOLL is the DDOL (Datadictionary online) map panel file and can be shared.

Additional Information

Some considerations:

All Ideal environments that share the same dictionary and VLS source, object and panel libraries should have matching QCODES. The QCODE parameter is maintained in SC00OPTS.

ADRPNL and ADROUT should be considered a SET -- the options for ADROUT are stored in ADRPNL. If you plan to have unique ADROUT data sets, be sure to maintain unique ADRPNL data sets.

Refer to Ideal and IPC Libraries