Updating Portal integration certificates on API Gateway
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Updating Portal integration certificates on API Gateway


Article ID: 185338


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CA API Developer Portal


After refreshing the API Developer Portal certificates on the Portal server ,  i need to update the integration certificates on API Gateway to repair the integration.


Release : 4.3.x

Component : API PORTAL


Use the steps below to update the portal integration certificates after refreshing the portal certificates on the portal server .

Log into the API Gateway using Policy Manager.

  1. Go to Tasks > Certificates, Keys and Secrets >  Manage Certificates.  Any expired certificates appear highlighted in red (pssg, tssg, or dssg).
  2. Select the expired certificate. Click Properties and copy the Certificate Name value.
  3. Click Cancel to close the Properties dialog.
  4. Select the expired certificate again and click Remove.
  5. Click Add to create a new certificate. The Add Certificate Wizard appears.
  6. For Retrieve via SSL Connection, provide the retrieval URL. Unless it has been renamed, the Certificate Name is the retrieval URL. Type https:// then paste the Certificate name you copied, and add the 9443 port number.  Default formats for the URLs are as follows: tssg: https://apim-ssg :9443 . dssg: https://analytics :9443. pssg: https://:9443.
  7. You can also find retrieval URLs for certificates from Tasks > Global Settings > Manage Cluster wide Properties. Use the values for the following keys prepended with https://:
    pssg: portal.config.pssg.sync.host + portal.config.pssg.sync.port
    dssg: portal.config.dssg.datalake.host + portal.config.dssg.datalake.port
    tssg: portal.config.api.host + portal.config.api.port
  8. Select Import from Known Trusted Certificate and select the same service type as the certificate you removed (pssg, tssg, or dssg).
  9. Click Next. If a hostname mismatch warning appears, click Accept.
  10. Select Outbound SSL Connections
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select Certificate is a Trust Anchor
  13. Click Finish.