Adjusting the Database Management for Db2 Batch Processor Unload utility model to span multiple volumes when unloading data from a table
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Adjusting the Database Management for Db2 Batch Processor Unload utility model to span multiple volumes when unloading data from a table


Article ID: 18522


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Batch Processor Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Administration Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Recovery Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Utilities Suite DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR DB2 FOR Z/OS


If a table is large the data may need to span multiple units of a device when unloaded. Within the Batch Processor for Db2 for z/OS (RBP)
UNLOAD utility this can be accomplished by adding the UCOUNT symbolic to the model and referencing the UCOUNT in
the .ALLOC statement within the model text.


Within the tools choose:

  • Option 2 for RC/Migrator

  • Option 0 Profile

  • Option 6 Utility Model Services

  • Place a 'U' by the model being used

  • Place a 'S' next to the UNLOAD utility which will show the symbolics and text for the model

In the UNLOAD model add this symbolic along with a value:


UCOUNT  	5 (Note UCOUNT is a valid model symbolic) 


Next, within the .ALLOC PTIUNLD of the model add the UCOUNT parameter:


        TRACKS +
        SPACE(%ULDSP1,%ULDSP2) +
        VOLSER(%VOLSER) +
        UNIT(%DISK) +
        UCOUNT(%UCOUNT) +<<<<<<<<<


Specifies the maximum number of devices to be allocated for data sets that span multiple devices, where nn must be a value between 1 and 59.

This parameter corresponds to the UCOUNT field on the UNIT operand in JCL.

The following is generated:


ALLOC FI(PTIUNLD)                                                     +
      DA('hlq.DATA')                                                  +
      BLKSIZE(6336) LRECL(72)                                         +
      TRACKS                                                          +
      SPACE(1,1)                                                      +
      UNIT(SYSDA)                                                     +
      UCOUNT(5)                                                       +