Afetr setting up a new session store for an OIDC app integration , following Error is observed:
[02/17/2020][15:43:21.431][1044][7436][Sm_Auth_Message.cpp:4835][CSm_Auth_Message::SendReply][** Status: Not Authenticated. Failed to create persistent session in Session Services][][user_name][][OpenID Connect][OpenID Connect Realm][][][UserStore][sps_agent][][s269245/r3377][][][][][][][][][][Failed to create persistent session in Session Services][][Basic][][][][][][][user_name][][][06-3cb77408-43bf-436c-a824-94e4f5f27140][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
The connection from smconsole to session store is successful.
SiteMinder Component : R12.8.x
The Policy Server was not restarted after configuring and enabling the Session Store
Restarting the Policy Server after configuring and enabling the session store resolved the issue.