DLP Agent 15.1 MP2 or 15.5 MP2 does not monitor drag and drop activity on Windows 10 version 1909
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DLP Agent 15.1 MP2 or 15.5 MP2 does not monitor drag and drop activity on Windows 10 version 1909


Article ID: 185120


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent


The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Agent does not monitor drag and drop activity when DLP Agent 15.1 MP2 or 15.5 MP2 is used on Windows 10 Version 1909 (November 2019 Update).




A hot fix was made available that addresses this issue on 15.1 and 15.5 release, however DLP 15.1 and 15.5 has already reached End Of Service. There are quite new related fixes already shipped in latest supported version of Symantec DLP. It is recommend to upgrade to latest version of DLP Software.

Hotfix Details that were shipped are as below:

  • For DLP Agent 15.1 MP2 = Hotfix_15.1.0210.01001.zip.
  • For DLP Agent 15.5 MP2 = Hotfix_15.5.0208.01004.zip.


For more information about DLP End of Service Dates: 
