Earlier this year, the government of Brazil canceled its plan to observe Daylight Savings Time (DST) beginning in November of 2019. This change potentially affects timestamp information in Data Loss Prevention 15.5 and previous versions, as the JRE version for use with DLP does not account for the change in Brazil's DST observance.
To address this issue, Data Loss Prevention administrators can update the Time Zone Database file with a file that has the latest timezone information for Brazil and for other locations around the world. This article provides instructions for updating the Time Zone Database file in the JRE software.
Symantec recommends this procedure for customers in Brazil in particular.
To update the Time Zone Database file in the JRE software used by Data Loss Prevention, follow the steps for your operating system platform as provided in this section.
Instructions for Windows Enforce and Detection Servers
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\ServerJRE\1.8.0_181\bin>java -jar C:\temp\tzupdater.jar -l file:///c:/temp/tzdata2019c-rearguard.tar.gz
Instructions for Linux Enforce and Detection Servers
java -jar /opt/tmp/tzupdater.jar -l file:///opt/tmp/tzdata2019c-rearguard.tar.gz