Add the unattended.xml or the answer file to remotely perform an unattended scripted OS installation job in Ghost Solution Suite Web Console
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Add the unattended.xml or the answer file to remotely perform an unattended scripted OS installation job in Ghost Solution Suite Web Console


Article ID: 185049


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Unattended.xml or the answer file lets you remotely configure the settings and perform an unattended scripted OS installation job.





The following procedure lists the steps that you can follow to include a default answer file or use a cutom answer file.

  1. Log in to the Ghost Solution Suite Web Console.
  2. Navigate to the Quick Tasks > Scripted OS Install.
  3. Enter a Job Name and Job Description.
  4. Select the OS Version, Language and the OS Source files for installing the Operating System.
  5. Select a disk image for partitioning and formatting.
  6. On the Scripted OS Install - Settings page, select of you want to use the default answer file or use a custom answer file.
  7. The default attended.xml file is located at the following location:

    <Installed Location> WCRepository\AnswerFile\Default\<Guild>\ template.xml
    While using the default answer file you must specify the License key. Additionally you can also specify parameter for Computer Name.
  8. Complete the rest of the settings of the Scripted OS Install job.