The following article lists the steps that you must follow to run the attached bin files to remove the Windows Updates and to remove the provisioned Apps before you create a clean Sysprep image for Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 managed computers for Ghost Solutions Suite3.x
Set-up: Ghost Solution Suite version 3.x, Imaging for Windows 10 or 11
Following are the ways to disable updates and remove Apps:
Run the attached Bin files as mentioned in the article. Will need run step two of if each section in step 1
Create and run the Run Script task with the details provided in step 2
GSS 3.3.x
Need to setup the system in order for sysprep to run
” into the Ghost Solution Suite console.Import the“RemoveAppsForSysprep.bin
” into the Ghost Solution Suite console.
Run the imported job on managed client using “Specific user” option on Client Run Environment while the respective “Specific user” should be logged-in while run.
Repeat Step 2 for all users on the client by changing “Specific user” for every run with respective user logged-in.
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ""Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -Value 0""' -Verb RunAs | Out-Null}";
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ""New-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore""' -Verb RunAs | Out-Null}";
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ""Set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore -Name AutoDownload -Value 2 -Type DWORD -Force""' -Verb RunAs | Out-Null}";
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ""Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage""' -Verb RunAs | Out-Null}";
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ""Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online""' -Verb RunAs | Out-Null}";