Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and CentOS 8 Full Support statement
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and CentOS 8 Full Support statement


Article ID: 184997


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IT Management Suite


Starting from IT Management Suite version 8.5 RU2, the Symantec Management Platform and related solutions support the management of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and CentOS 8 client computers.


List of supported solutions

IT Management Suite provides support for client functionality for the following operating systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • CentOS 8

Following are the tested and supported components and fuctionalities of IT Management Suite on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and CentOS 8 client computers:

  • Symantec Management Agent for Unix, Linux and Mac
  • Deployment Solution 
  • Inventory Solution
  • Monitor Solution
  • Network Discovery
  • Patch Management
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 only; CentOS 8 is not supported
  • Software Management Solution
  • Virtual Machine Management
  • Suite Portals

The following site-server functionality is supported:

  • Package Server


The components and solutions that are not explicitly listed above are not supported. The usage of those might lead to undesirable outcomes.