Patch Management Workflow Web Service is installed with Patch Management Solution. The Service contains an API that accesses the functionality of the Notification Server (NS) and lets you perform various patch management actions.
The following API methods are added in 8.5 RU3:
The following API methods are deprecated in 8.5 RU3:
The API is exposed as Web Service (SOAP) and has the meta-information that documents each API method if you open the service URL in a browser and allows you to test it directly from the browser if the service URL is opened there.
Most of the API methods use only primitive data types so there are no restrictions on where to call them from. If API receives a GUID or a list of GUIDs, they are provided as strings. In the case of the GUID list, GUID entries are comma-separated.
If some NS item is loaded during the API call, the item access security applies automatically depending on the caller identity.
Name | Description |
1. AddGuids |
This is generic API to append GUID or list of GUID's to some property of NS item. |
2. CreateAgentPluginPolicy |
Creates Patch Agent Plugin policy. |
3. CreatePatchInstallationTask |
[obsolete] Similar to CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask |
4. CreateUpdatePolicy |
Creates a Software Update policy. To set additional policy options see SetProperty |
5. CreateUpdatePolicyViaUpdates |
Creates a Software Update policy based on list of updates. |
6. CreateWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask |
Creates a 'Windows Software Update Assessment' task. |
7. CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask |
Creates a 'Windows Software Update Installation' task. |
8. DisableBulletins |
Disables provided bulletins and removes them from policies (optionally). |
9. EditPatchInstallationTask |
[obsolete] Similar to EditWindowsUpdateInstallationTask |
10. EditWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask |
Updates 'Windows Software Update Assessment" task. |
11. EditWindowsUpdateInstallationTask |
Edits the 'Windows Software Update Installation' task. |
12. EnsureStaged |
Ensures the list of bulletins (and bulletins updates) is staged. |
13. GetAllStagedUpdates |
Returns the list of ALL staged updates. |
14. GetCustomSeverities |
Returns the list of Patch Custom Severities as comma-separated entries: <Order>|< Name>|<Level>, … |
15. GetCustomSeverityLevels |
Gets IDs of custom severities. |
16. GetDistributionTaskStatus |
Returns current "Distribute Software Updates" task status. |
17. GetNonstagedUpdates |
Returns the list of non-staged updates for provided bulletins. |
18. GetPackageServerGuid |
Obtains list of Package Servers and returns GUID of the first non-constrained. |
19. GetPreImportStatus |
Returns the status of pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task. |
20. GetPreImportStatusVerbose |
Returns the verbose status of pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task. |
21. GetProperty |
Very generic API to get property of any NS item. |
22. GetStagedUpdates |
Returns list of staged updates for provided bulletins. |
23. GetStagingTaskStatus |
Returns current status for "Download Software Update Package" task. Same result type as for GetDistributionTaskStatus |
24. GetTaskInstanceStatus |
Returns current status for any task. Also see GetStagingTaskStatus or GetDistributionTaskStatus |
25. GetTaskRunningInstances |
Returns the GUID list of all task instances, which are running for particular task. |
26. GetWindowsPreImportStatus |
Returns the status of pre-import of "Import Patch Data for Windows". |
27. GetWindowsPreImportStatusVerbose |
Returns the verbose status of pre-import of the "Import Patch Data for Windows" task. Same as GetPreImportStatusVerbose, but no parameters required |
28. IsSoftwareUpdateDistributionRunning |
Returns status of "Distribute Software Updates" task. |
29. IsStaged |
Checks if ALL provided bulletins and updates are staged. |
30. IsStagingTaskRunning |
Checks if 'Download Software Update Package' task is running. |
31. IsTaskRunning |
Checks if particular NS task has running instances. |
32. MyPrivileges |
Returns list of all privileges, granted for the current API user. |
33. OperatePatchWorker |
Manages execution of specified 'Import Patch Data' task for different platforms. For example: it can start or stop the task. |
34. ResolveToPolicies |
Gets the GUID list of policies, created for listed bulletins or updates. |
35. ResolveToUpdates |
Gets the GUID list of all updates for provided bulletins. |
36. RunPatchWorker |
Starts provided 'Import Patch Data for ...' task. |
37. RunPreImport |
Runs the pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task. |
38. RunTask |
Runs any NS task (with its current settings). |
39. RunWindowsPreImport |
Runs the pre-import part for Windows Patch Meta Data import task. |
40. SetAdvertisementCustomCmdLine |
Sets custom command line for SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement. |
41. SetGuidCollectionProperty |
Generic API to change assigned list of objects to provided property. Another generic method: see SetProperty |
42. SetPluginPolicyMessages |
Changes the Patch plugin policy messages (defined in the Notification tab of the policy). |
Sets options for provided 'Microsoft Update Configuration' policies. |
44. SetPluginPolicySchedules |
Changes Patch plug-in policy schedules. |
45. SetProperties |
Very generic API to change properties of NS items. |
46. SetProperty |
Very generic API to change one property of NS items. To set list of objects as value see SetGuidCollectionProperty |
47. SetSeverityLevel |
Changes the bulletin severity. |
48. SetSoftwareUpdatePolicySchedule |
Changes the Software Update policy scheduling. |
49. SetSoftwareUpdatePolicyTargets |
Changes the targets for policies. |
50. SetupImport |
Changes Windows import task settings |
51. SetupPreImport |
Changes the pre-import settings for Patch Meta Data import task. |
52. SetupWindowsPreImport |
Sets up pre-import properties of "Import Patch Data for Windows" task |
53. StopPatchWorker |
Stops execution of provided 'Import Patch Data for ...' task. |
54. StopPreImport |
Attempts to stop pre-import, if it is running. |
55. StopWindowsPreImport |
Same as StopPreImport, but does not require parameters. |
56. UpdateResourceTargets |
Updates all resource targets belonging to particular product. |
57. UpdateSoftwareUpdatePolicy |
Revises Software Update policies with vendor changes. |
1. AddGuids(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)
This is generic API to append GUID or list of GUID's to some property of NS item.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidItem |
GUID of NS item, which we want to modify |
name | property name in the NS item to modify |
guidList | comma-separated list of GUIDs to add to the property |
setback | boolean, set to 'true' if resulting GUID collection should be set back to NS item at once |
Return value: 'true' on success, 'false' on fail
2. CreateAgentPluginPolicy(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Creates Patch Agent Plug-in policy.
Gets the 'Default Software Update Plug-in Policy' item, clones it and sets the new name.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
strName | [optional] name of the new policy |
productGuid | [not supported] leave empty to use 'Patch Core' product |
parentFolderGuid | [optional] GUID of the parent folder of the policy (leave empty to use folder of 'Default Software Update Plug-in Policy') |
targetGuids | GUID list of resource targets for a policy. See functions like 'CreateResourceTarget' of platform API (Scoping Management) to manage targets |
Return value: GUID of created policy
3. CreatePatchInstallationTask(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU2
[obsolete] Similar to CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
taskName | [optional] name of the created task |
updateGuids | GUID list of updates to include, GUIDs should be comma-delimited |
supressRebootDemand | 'true' for "Suppress restart during task execution", 'false' for "Restart if required at the end of task execution" |
folderGuid | [optional] parent folder for created task, default is "Tasks > Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Software > Patch Management" |
Return value: GUID of created task
4. CreateUpdatePolicy(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)
Creates a Software Update policy. To set additional policy options see SetProperty
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
name | name of the new policy item |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins to include |
targetGuids |
[optional] GUID list of the Resource Targets for a policy |
enabled | 'true' if policy should be enabled |
Return value: GUID of the created policy
see also: CreateUpdatePolicyViaUpdates
see also: SetProperty
5. CreateUpdatePolicyViaUpdates(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)
Released in: 8.5 RU1
Creates a Software Update policy based on list of updates.
Depending on list of updates - usual or partially staged (if only part of updates from a bulletin selected) policy will be created.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
name | name of the new policy item |
updateGuids | GUID list of updates to include |
targetGuids | [optional] GUID list of the Resource Targets for a policy |
enabled | 'true' if policy should be enabled |
Return value: GUID of the created policy
see also: CreateUpdatePolicy
6. CreateWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask(System.String,System.String,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU3
Creates a 'Windows Software Update Assessment' task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
taskName | [optional] name of the created task |
updateGuids | GUID list of updates to include |
folderGuid | [optional] parent folder for created task, default is "Tasks > Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Software > Patch Management" |
Return value: GUID of the created task
see also: CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask
see also: EditWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask
7. CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU3
Creates a 'Windows Software Update Installation' task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
taskName | [optional] name of the created task |
updateGuids | GUID list of updates to include |
supressRebootDemand | 'true' for "Suppress restart during task execution", 'false' for "Restart if required at the end of task execution" |
folderGuid | [optional] parent folder for created task, default is "Tasks > Jobs and Tasks > System Jobs and Tasks > Software > Patch Management" |
Return value: GUID of the created task
see also: CreateWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask
see also: EditWindowsUpdateInstallationTask
8. DisableBulletins(System.String,System.Boolean)
Released in: 8.5
Disables provided bulletins and removes them from policies (optionally).
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins |
deletePolicies | set 'true' to delete provided bulletins from policies or 'false' to leave the bulletins in policies (in disabled state) |
Return value: 'true' on success
9. EditPatchInstallationTask(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU2
[obsolete] Similar to EditWindowsUpdateInstallationTask
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of a 'Windows Update Installation' task |
taskName | [optional] new name for edited task |
updateGuids | [optional] GUID list of updates to include, GUIDs should be comma-delimited |
supressRebootDemand | [optional] true for "Suppress restart during task execution", false for "Restart if required at the end of task execution" |
folderGuid | [optional] new parent folder for task |
Return value: GUID of the updated task
10. EditWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU3
Updates 'Windows Software Update Assessment" task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of a 'Windows Update Assessment' task |
taskName | [optional] new name for edited task |
updateGuids | [optional] update GUID(s) as comma-delimited string |
folderGuid | [optional] new parent folder for task |
Return value: GUID of the updated task
see also: CreateWindowsUpdateAssessmentTask
11. EditWindowsUpdateInstallationTask(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Released in: 8.5 RU3
Edits the 'Windows Software Update Installation' task.
No need to supply all parameters (guidTask - mandatory), only one can be changed
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of a 'Windows Update Installation' task |
taskName | [optional] new name for edited task |
updateGuids | [optional] update GUID(s) as comma-delimited string |
supressRebootDemand | [optional] 'true' for "Suppress restart during task execution" option, 'false' for "Restart if required at the end of task execution" |
folderGuid | [optional] new parent folder for task |
Return value: GUID of the updated task
see also: CreateWindowsUpdateInstallationTask
12. EnsureStaged(System.String,System.Boolean)
Ensures the list of bulletins (and its updates) is staged.
NB! EnsureStaged does not handle bulletin Enabled/Disabled state!
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins to get staged |
sync | 'true' to wait until everything is staged. 'false' – to let the staging to run asynchronously |
Return value: count of updates to be staged or -1 on error
'EnsureStaged' is not equal to UI action 'Download packages' performed on the bulletin. While it downloads updates if needed - bulleting is not automatically enabled.
So the bulletin state 'Staged' isn't equal to 'Enabled'
To receive same result as for 'Download packages' UI action for a disabled bulletin:
1. Call 'EnsureStaged' for the bulletin
2. Call 'SetProperty' with property name: IsDisabledByUser and value: false
3. Call 'SetProperty' with property name: Enabled and value: true
Returns the list of ALL staged updates.
NB! Might be very long and not fit into the SOAP string size limitation
Return value: list of comma-delimited GUIDs
see also: GetStagedUpdates
Returns the list of Patch Custom Severities as comma-separated entries: <Order>|< Name>|<Level>, …
1|My Severity One|602,2|My Severity Two|315
Gets IDs of custom severities.
Return value: comma-separated list of severities' IDs (integer)
Returns current "Distribute Software Updates" task status.
The status (Altiris.TaskManagement.Common.TaskInstanceStatus) can be:
Return value: status of first active instance of the task or empty string (with no active instances)
see also: IsSoftwareUpdateDistributionRunning
17. GetNonstagedUpdates(System.String)
Returns the list of non-staged updates for provided bulletins.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins to be checked |
Return value: list of comma-separated update GUIDs or empty string
see also: GetStagedUpdates
Obtains list of Package Servers and returns GUID of the first non-constrained.
Return value: GUID of the first non-constrained Package Server
19. GetPreImportStatus(System.String)
Returns the status of pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task.
Use GUID 'C27DBB50-6DDF-4125-87C1-D8F5B588491D' for 'Import Patch Data for Windows' task. Linux tasks are not supported
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the Patch Import task for which to check pre-import status |
Return value:
see also: GetWindowsPreImportStatus
20. GetPreImportStatusVerbose(System.String)
Returns the verbose status of pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask |
GUID of the Patch Import task for which to check pre-import status. See GetPreImportStatus |
Return value: returns the verbose task status as string
see also: GetWindowsPreImportStatusVerbose
see also: GetPreImportStatus
21. GetProperty(System.String,System.String)
Very generic API to get property of any NS item.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidItem | GUID of NS item |
name | property to get value for |
Return value: string with the property value
see also: SetProperty
22. GetStagedUpdates(System.String)
Returns list of staged updates for provided bulletins.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins |
Return value: list of comma-separated updates GUIDs or empty string
see also: GetNonstagedUpdates
Returns current status for "Download Software Update Package" task. Same result type as for GetDistributionTaskStatus
Status (Altiris.TaskManagement.Common.TaskInstanceStatus) can be:
Return value: status of first active instance of the task or empty string (with no active instances)
see also: IsStagingTaskRunning
24. GetTaskInstanceStatus(System.String)
Returns current status of any task.
see also: GetStagingTaskStatus or GetDistributionTaskStatus
Generic method. Use '99b6a96a-f0a2-40fa-88bb-9ddfa97b4ddf' to check "Distribute Software Updates" task or '3d500009-23aa-477c-82a5-8b707c9f8c29' for "Download Software Update Package" task.
Status (Altiris.TaskManagement.Common.TaskInstanceStatus) can be:
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the task to check status for |
Return value: status of first active instance of the task or empty string (with no active instances)
see also: GetStagingTaskStatus
see also: GetDistributionTaskStatus
25. GetTaskRunningInstances(System.String)
Returns the GUID list of all task instances, which are running for particular task.
Generic method. Use '99b6a96a-f0a2-40fa-88bb-9ddfa97b4ddf' to check "Distribute Software Updates" task or '3d500009-23aa-477c-82a5-8b707c9f8c29' for "Download Software Update Package" task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the task to list running instances for |
Return value: comma-delimited GUID list of active task's instances
Returns the status of pre-import of "Import Patch Data for Windows".
Same as GetPreImportStatus, but no parameters required
Return value:
27. GetWindowsPreImportStatusVerbose
Returns the verbose status of pre-import of the "Import Patch Data for Windows" task.
Same as GetPreImportStatusVerbose, but no parameters required
Return value: returns the verbose task status as string
Variations of output:
Import of available vendors, software and languages: completed.
Import of available vendors, software and languages: not started.
Import of available vendors, software and languages: running.
Import of available vendors, software and languages: stop requested.
Import of available vendors, software and languages: failed.
see also: GetPreImportStatusVerbose
28. IsSoftwareUpdateDistributionRunning
Returns status of "Distribute Software Updates" task.
Return value: 'true' if any instance of the "Distribute Software Updates" task is running, 'false' if all task instances are finished or not started
see also: GetDistributionTaskStatus
Checks if ALL provided bulletins and updates are staged.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins (and/or updates) to be checked |
Return value: 'true' for all the updates staged, 'false' if any of requested updates is not staged
Checks if 'Download Software Update Package' task is running.
Return value: 'true' if any instance of the "Download Software Update Package" task is running, 'false' if all task instances are finished or not started
see also: GetStagingTaskStatus
31. IsTaskRunning(System.String)
Checks if particular NS task have running instances.
Generic method. Use '99b6a96a-f0a2-40fa-88bb-9ddfa97b4ddf' to check "Distribute Software Updates" task or '3d500009-23aa-477c-82a5-8b707c9f8c29' for "Download Software Update Package" task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the task to check status for |
Return value: 'true' if any instance of the task is running, 'false' if all task instances are finished or not started
see also: IsSoftwareUpdateDistributionRunning
see also: IsStagingTaskRunning
Returns list of all privileges, granted for the current API user.
Return value: GUID list of granted privileges
33. OperatePatchWorker(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)
Manages execution of specified 'Import Patch Data' task for different platforms. For example: it can start or stop the task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
workerGuid | GUID of the 'Import Patch Data for ...' task |
command | Command to execute: "run", "stop", "status", "progress", "verbose" and "message" |
async | Boolean flag to make asynchronous execution. |
Return value: Status of task as string
Use '1D4F02E9-C667-41E5-B1A4-6F08D30E1661' as 'workerGuid' parameter and 'run' as 'command' parameter to run 'Import Patch Data for SUSE' task
see also: RunPatchWorker
see also: StopPatchWorker
34. ResolveToPolicies(System.String)
Gets the GUID list of policies, created for listed bulletins or updates.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins or updates to be checked |
Return value: comma-separated GUID list of policies
35. ResolveToUpdates(System.String)
Gets the GUID list of all updates for provided bulletins.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins to be checked |
Return value: comma-separated GUID list of updates.
36. RunPatchWorker(System.String,System.Boolean)
Starts provided 'Import Patch Data for ...' task.
Command is similar to 'run command' for OperatePatchWorker
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
workerGuid | GUID of the 'Import Patch Data for ...' task to be run. |
async | Boolean flag to make asynchronous execution |
Use '1D4F02E9-C667-41E5-B1A4-6F08D30E1661' as 'workerGuid' parameter to run 'Import Patch Data for SUSE' task
see also: StopPatchWorker
37. RunPreImport(System.String)
Runs the pre-import for particular Patch Meta Data import task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of import task for which to run pre-import |
38. RunTask(System.String,System.String)
Runs any NS task (with its current settings).
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of task to execute |
instanceName | String for custom instance name, empty by default |
Runs the pre-import part for Windows Patch Meta Data import task.
40. SetAdvertisementCustomCmdLine(System.String,System.String)
Sets custom command line for SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement.
NB! If change fails, advertisement will be set to disableBySystem or Disabled, depending on whether it has been previously disabled.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
AdvertGuid | GUID of the Advertisement |
cmdLine | new command line |
Return value: 'true' for successful change, 'false' if advertisement is not found
41. SetGuidCollectionProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String)
Generic API to change assigned list of objects to provided property. Another generic method: see SetProperty
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
itemGuids | GUID list of NS items |
name | property name |
valueGuids | GUID list of values |
Return value: 'true' on success
42. SetPluginPolicyMessages(System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Changes the Patch plug-in policy messages (defined in the Notification tab of the policy).
Applicable only for a '... Software Update Plug-in Policy'
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | List of GUIDs of policies for which to set messages |
turnOnNonEmpty | Set to 'true' if provided message should be validated for empty string |
msgUpdatePending | [optional] text for Software Update Installation Notification message |
msgUpdateProgress | [optional] text for Software Update Installation Progress message |
msgRebootPending | [optional] text for Software Update Restart Notification message |
msgRebootReminder | [optional] text for Reboot reminder message |
msgRebootNotification | [optional] text for user deferral notification |
Return value: 'true'
To set 'Software Update Installation Progress' message of 'Default Software Update Plug-in Policy'
use following parameters: 'policyGuids' - 0D1CB0D4-B256-44DA-A74D-D7FB68364D29, 'turnOnNonEmpty' - 'true' and 'msgUpdateProgress' - 'Example of message'.
It is not possible to programmatically switch off a message or empty it.
see also: SetPluginPolicySchedules
see also: SetPluginPolicyMicrosoftUpdateOptions
43. SetPluginPolicyMicrosoftUpdateOptions(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
Released in: 8.5
Sets options for provided 'Microsoft Update Configuration' policies.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | GUIDs of policies to modify |
enableConfiguration | 'true' to enable control over download and installation of updates by Windows Update Agent, disabling automatic download and installation |
enableAutoUpdate | 'false' to disallow Windows Update to install updates automatically |
enablePeer2Peer | 'true' to download updates from local computers only |
enablePeer2PeerOverInternet | 'true' to download updates over Internet |
enableNonOsUpdates | 'true' to download and install updates for Microsoft products other than Windows (e.g. Microsoft Office) |
see also: SetPluginPolicyMessages
44. SetPluginPolicySchedules(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Changes Patch plugin policy schedules.
Applicable only for Patch '... Software Update Plug-in Policy'.
NB! The schedule XML should be valid NS7 schedule, it can be found by viewing scheduled policy's XML. PS! making the flexible scheduling API seem to be much more complicated and not worth the effort.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | List of GUIDs of policies to change |
clientSoftwareUpdateSchedule | [optional] XML string with schedule info |
notifySchedule | [optional] XML string with schedule info |
rebootSchedule | [optional]XML string with schedule info |
Return value: 'true'
Example of everyday schedule with start at 8:00AM: <schedule start="2008-01-01" tz="Local"><trigger dates="" months="" at="08:00:00" exact="True" type="Daily" repetition="" weekdays="" weeks="" duration=""/></schedule>
see also: SetPluginPolicyMessages
45. SetProperties(System.String,System.String)
Released in: 8.5
Very generic API to change properties of NS items.
NB! The name-value list format is: <name>=<value>,<name>=<value>,…
See some examples in SetProperty
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidItem | The GUID of NS item, which we want to modify |
nameValueList | List of name-value pairs |
see also: SetProperty
46. SetProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String)
Very generic API to change one property of NS items.
To set list of objects as value see SetGuidCollectionProperty
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
itemGuids | GUID list of NS items to change |
name | Name of the property to change |
value | Value to set |
Return value: 'true' if success
To set some options of Patch policy you should set property of the policy to:
- 'Run ASAP' option of Patch policy, you should set property with name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.InstallOptions' to value 1 (0 - default, 1- RunASAP, 2 - Scheduled)
- 'Use multicast' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.UseMulticast' with values 0 – disable, 1 – enable
- 'Override Maintenance Windows settings' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.OverrideMaintenanceWindows' and 'true'/'false' as value
- 'Allow immediate restart if required ' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.RebootOptions' and values 1 to set the flag and 0 to clear it
47. SetSeverityLevel(System.String,System.Int32)
Changes the bulletin severity.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
itemGuids | GUID list of bulletins to be modified |
level | Severity level |
48. SetSoftwareUpdatePolicySchedule(System.String,System.String)
Changes the Software Update policy scheduling.
NB! The schedule XML should be valid NS7 schedule, it can be found by viewing scheduled policy's XML.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | GUID list of policies to be modified |
installSchedule | NS schedule XML string |
Return value: true
see also: SetPluginPolicySchedules
49. SetSoftwareUpdatePolicyTargets(System.String,System.String)
Changes the targets for policies.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | GUID list of policies to be modified |
targetGuids | GUID list of resource targets to set for a policy |
Return value: true
Suggested way to dynamically manage list of computers in policy targets through API:
1. Create a resource filter (http://localhost/Altiris/ASDK.NS/CollectionManagementService.asmx?op=CreateResourceCollection)
2. Create target based on collection GUID (http://localhost/Altiris/ASDK.NS/ScopingManagementService.asmx?op=CreateResourceTarget)
Use XML like: <resourceTarget><name>My custom target</name><baseOrganizationalGroupGuid>91c68fcb-1822-e793-b59c-2684e99a64cd</baseOrganizationalGroupGuid><targetFilters><targetFilter><type>resource collection</type><operation>Intersect</operation><resourceCollectionGuid>!GUID-of-Created-Filter!</resourceCollectionGuid></targetFilter></targetFilters></resourceTarget>
3. Update the filter as needed by adding/removing items (e.g.http://localhost/Altiris/ASDK.NS/CollectionManagementService.asmx?op=AddInclusions).
See more details in ASDK documentation (c:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris ASDK\Help\ASDK8.X.chm ) for ‘CollectionManagementLib Members’
50. SetupImport(System.String,System.String)
Changes Windows import task settings
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
softwareExcludes | GUID list of excluded software releases |
localeIncludes | GUID list of locales (languages) to import |
51. SetupPreImport(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
Changes the pre-import settings for Patch Meta Data import task.
Now it is applicable to "Import Patch Data for Windows" task pre-import settings only. Use SetupWindowsPreImport instead of this function.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the task to modify |
strMiniCabDownloadUrl | URL of the pre-import cab file |
strUserName | User name to access pre-import cab |
strPassword | Password of the user to access pre-import cab |
Return value: 'true' on success, 'false' on failure
see also: SetupWindowsPreImport
52. SetupWindowsPreImport(System.String,System.String,System.String)
Sets up pre-import properties of "Import Patch Data for Windows" task
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
strMiniCabDownloadUrl | URL of the pre-import cab file |
strUserName | User name to access pre-import cab |
strPassword | Password of the user to access pre-import cab |
Return value: 'true' on success, 'false' on otherwise
53. StopPatchWorker(System.String)
Stops execution of provided 'Import Patch Data for ...' task.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
workerGuid | GUID of running 'Import Patch Data for ...' task |
Return value: 'true' on success
see also: RunPatchWorker
see also: OperatePatchWorker
54. StopPreImport(System.String)
Attempts to stop pre-import, if it is running.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidTask | GUID of the task for which to stop pre-import (one of the Patch Meta Data import tasks) |
Same as StopPreImport, but does not require parameters.
56. UpdateResourceTargets(System.String)
Updates all resource targets that belong to particular product.
In Patch solution there are following products included:
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
guidProduct | GUID of the product |
Return value: count of updated targets or '-1' on error
Below is approximate list of targets per product. List of targets will depend on specific configuration of ITMS.
Core (C6D19F78-1434-49AC-BEC8-D18255E99F57):
- All Computers without Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
- Computers with inconsistent Patch WUA assessment data
- All Computers requiring Software Update Plug-in Upgrade Target
- Computers with inconsistent Patch assessment data
- All Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
Windows (B1338338-5575-4A27-9808-23BEC40D79FA):
- Windows Computers without Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
- Windows Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
- Windows Computers Requiring Software Update Plug-in Upgrade Target
- Supported Microsoft Update computers target
- Default Software Update Plug-in Policy Target
Linux (AACD4DA3-AC4F-4F44-9477-EEE8D2DF323C):
- Linux Computers Requiring Software Update Plug-in Upgrade Target
- Linux Computers Requiring Software Update Plug-in Upgrade with up-to-date Symantec Management Agent Target
- Linux Computers with Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
- All Patchable Red Hat Computers
- All Patchable CentOs Computers
- All Patchable SUSE Computers
- Linux Computers without Software Update Plug-in Installed Target
Mac (C6B52EC2-597C-4EFE-8830-B92F11888A4A):
- All Patchable Mac Computers Target
see also: SetSoftwareUpdatePolicyTargets
57. UpdateSoftwareUpdatePolicy(System.String,System.Boolean)
Revises Software Update policies with vendor changes.
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
policyGuids | List of the Software Update policy GUIDs |
enableNewAdverts | Set to 'true' to automatically enable distribution of newly added software updates |
Return value: always 'true'