Adding complex drivers to the DeployAnywhere database
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Adding complex drivers to the DeployAnywhere database


Article ID: 184966


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Deployment Solution


Deployment Solution lets you add drivers to the DeployAnywhere driver database that are required for client computers on which you want to install Windows OS or deploy a Windows image.
For more information, see the help topic  Adding drivers to the DeployAnywhere database.


To add a complex driver where an .inf file points to some other .inf file, do the following:

  1. Import the driver.
    Note: Ensure that you check the option Include all files from the selected location into the driver package.
  2. Use one of the options to ensure that the driver files are added correctly:
  • Use driver tags in the Driver Manager to forcefully copy the tagged drivers into the \Drivers\Symantec\Retarget\ directory on client computers and let Windows to install the driver.
  • Between the Deploy Image and Boot To Production tasks, run the Run script task with a script that moves all the drivers from \Drivers\Symantec\NonCritical1\ to \Drivers\Symantec\Retarget\ directory.

Sample script

@ECHO off
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\NonCritical1 (
  ECHO found drivers for DPInst at %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\NonCritical1
  IF NOT EXIST %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\Retarget MD %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\Retarget
  ECHO copying NonCritical1 folder to %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\Retarget\
  XCOPY %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\NonCritical1 %%i:\Drivers\Symantec\Retarget\  /s /i /h /y /c /r
  EXIT /B 0
ECHO no drivers for DPInst found at \Drivers\Symantec\NonCritical1