How to Resolve Failed to Decrypt Private Key Error in Embedded Entitlements Manager.
Article ID: 18487
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Follow these steps to resolve the 'Failed to decrypt private key from iAuth.conf' when setting up EEM in a failover environment.
Release: Component: ETEIAM
Navigate to the /etc/hosts file in your environment.
Open the file for editing.
Locate the line with the IP address of the server.
Edit the line and place the hostname before the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
Example: <Hostname>
Save the /etc/hosts file.
Proceed with steps to enable EEM failover.
The reason for this change is as follows:
We store the public and the private key pair in iAuthority.conf. Since the private key is confidential it is stored in a munged format. The seed formatting is the hostname, not the FQDN name.