Reporter is Holding Logs File Past Deletion Date
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Reporter is Holding Logs File Past Deletion Date


Article ID: 184836


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Log files being moved to a file outside of the "Log Source" file structure and has "Enable automatic deletion of processed log files older than X day" set and enabled but log files still remain filling the storage space.


Known issue that Reported does not delete files as expected.


Manually delete files through one of the following options:

  • FTP Client (such as Filezilla)
    • Connect to Report with a user that has adequate permissions and delete files per FTP client's instructions.
  • CLI
    • Use the enable "access-logs delete <file path>/<file name>" to remove file.
      • A "*" wildcard can be used to mass delete files.  
      • Use the wildcard along with filename to delete files based on file name.  You can only use first part of a file name followed by wild card.
        • Example file name will delete all files that start with SG_main__2610: SG_main__2610*