Resolving "A008 TOO MANY TABLE ENTRIES" runtime error
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Resolving "A008 TOO MANY TABLE ENTRIES" runtime error


Article ID: 18482


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Please see page D-24 of the Reference Guide for Easytrieve Report Generator release 6.4:




Specifies the maximum number of entries for a table that is loaded from an external file (not instream). The valid range is 0 to 32767.

Override is through the TABLE parameter of the FILE statement.

If the value that you specify for TBLMAX is excessively high, then the total amount of storage required is inflated. If the value that you specify for TBLMAX is too low, then a diagnostic message is issued as the file is loaded. Specify a value that is adequate for90 percent to 95 percent of the tables, then use the FILE statement override for particularly large tables.



Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4


On the FILE statement, you may specify up to 32,767 for the number of table entries:

FILE name of the table TABLE 32767

Otherwise, if the number of entries is still too large, then KSDS VSAM file must be created.