Unable to configure CloudSOC to manage specific IP's from the SaaS
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Unable to configure CloudSOC to manage specific IP's from the SaaS


Article ID: 184425


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Security Premium CASB Security Advanced CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Securlet SAAS With DLP-CDS


Configured the CloudSOC per documentation and confirmed everything worked as designed.

However, once IP Whitelisting was implemented; CloudSOC processes failed to work as designed.


IP ranges are dynamic from all SaaS Server Providers with most IP ranges being dynamically modified every month by the SaaS provider.


Working as designed.

CloudSOC Dev Team recommends not using IP Whitelisting for Securlets.

However, if needed, please contact the SaaS Provider for their IP listing or IP Range to be allowed