You want to install Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) language packs.
Language pack selection results in the following:
■ Its locale becomes available to administrators and end users in Enforce Server
Configuration screen.
■ Enforce Server screens, menu items, commands, and messages appear in the
■ The Symantec Data Loss Prevention Help system may be displayed in the
Language packs for Symantec Data Loss Prevention are available from Symantec
File Connect.
Using the Language Pack Utility:
To make a specific locale available for Symantec Data Loss Prevention, you add language packs through the Language Pack Utility.
You run the Language Pack Utility from the command line. On Windows, its executable, LanguagePackUtility.exe, resides by default in the C:\Program files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<version>\Protect\bin, and on Linux it resides by default in the /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<version>/Protect/bin.
To use the Language Pack Utility, you must have Read, Write, and Execute permissions on all of the C:\Program files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention or /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention folders and sub-folders.
To display help for the utility, such as the list of valid options and their flags, run LanguagePackUtility without any flags.
Note: Running the Language Pack Utility causes the Manager and IncidentPersister services to stop for as long as 20 seconds. Any users who are logged on to the Enforce Server administration console will be logged out automatically. When finished making its updates, the utility restarts the services automatically, and users can log back on to the administration console.
To add a language pack (Windows)
1. Advise other users that anyone currently using the Enforce Server administration
console must save their work and log off.
2 Run the Language Pack Utility with the -a flag followed by the name of the Zip file for that language pack. Enter: LanguagePackUtility -a filename where filename is the
fully qualified path and name of the language pack ZIP file.
For example, if the Japanese language pack ZIP file is stored in c:\temp, add it by entering:
LanguagePackUtility -a c:\temp\Symantec_DLP_<version>
To add multiple language packs during the same session, specify multiple file names, separated by spaces, for example:
LanguagePackUtility -a c:\temp\Symantec_DLP_<version> Symantec_DLP_<version>
3 Log on to the Enforce Server administration console and confirm that the new
language option is available on the Edit General Settings screen.
To do this, go to System > Settings > General > Configure > Edit General Settings.
To add a language pack (Linux)
1 Advise other users that anyone currently using the Enforce Server administration console must save their work and log off.
2 Open a terminal session to the Enforce Server host and switch to the DLP_system_account by running the following command:
su - DLP_system_account
3 Run the following command:
/opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/16.0.00000/Protect/bin/LanguagePackUtility -a
4 Log on to the Enforce Server administration console and confirm that the new language option is available on the Edit General Settings screen.
To do this, go to System > Settings > General > Configure > Edit General Settings.