Enabling User Anonymization for Audit
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Enabling User Anonymization for Audit


Article ID: 184387


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Security Premium CASB Security Advanced CASB Audit CASB Gateway CASB Gateway Advanced


To enable anonymization of users in CloudSOC.


  1. To enable User Anonymization in firewall logs, go to Settings page and Privacy tab.
  2. Select ‘Anonymize User Identifiable Information’ checkbox to turn on user anonymization feature. Keep in mind that this is an account level setting and this setting is not meant to be toggled between on and off multiple times.

Additional Information

Removal of user anonymization requires the credentials of a CloudSOC user with Data Protection Officer status (see articles referenced below for more information).

Anonymization takes place in the Cloud. This is different than Tokenization which also obfuscates the user names, but takes place at the SpanVA

For more information see:


CloudSOC Anonymization