Github Securlet Activation Failure: Access to CloudSOC is restricted in Github Organization
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Github Securlet Activation Failure: Access to CloudSOC is restricted in Github Organization


Article ID: 184327


Updated On:


CASB Security Premium CASB Security Standard CASB Security Standard CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Security Advanced


The customer is trying to activate the GitHub Securlet and Receives an error.

Securlet is not activated because access to CloudSOC is restricted in Github Organization


There are 2 steps to handle this;

1) Remove 3rd Party access restrictions

  1. In GitHub login as the Org owner
  2. Navigate to<orgname>/settings/oauth_application_policy
  3. Click 'Remove restrictions'
  4. Retry activation

2) Authorize Broadcom Securlet app

  1. In GitHub login as the Org owner
  2. Navigate to 

  3. In the 'Authorized OAuth Apps' list click on 'Broadcom Securlet' app entry for US and 'Broadcom Securlet EU' for EU 
  4. Under 'Organization access' section, locate the org you want to Activate and click 'Grant' to grant access to the organization

  5. Retry Github Securlet activation and it should work now


Additional Information

To confirm if the Activation is successful and the webhook is setup;

  1. In GitHub login as the Org owner
  2. Navigate to Org Settings > Webhooks -<orgname>/settings/hooks
  3. You will see a list of Webhooks
  4. For US it will be Broadcom Securlet and for EU it will be Broadcom Securlet EU
  5. Click on the webhook entry

    6. You will see list of events delivered