Where can I find a custom report with the details listed below:
Providing the information below, there is are default reports present with all these specific details. A custom SQL report needs to be created to provide the information required, and SYMC Technical Support does not normally provide custom reporting information. For this example we cloned the Computer Summary report and edited the SQL query to get the extra required fields. This represented "best of effort".
Here is a sample query provided:
DECLARE @v1_TrusteeScope nvarchar(max)
SET @v1_TrusteeScope = N'{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41},{582029E2-FC5B-4717-8808-B80D6EF0FD67},{B760E9A9-E4DB-404C-A93F-AEA51754AA4F},{F5930059-55B6-484F-8403-EE7F5449F2D5}'
i.[User] as [Primary Account],
d.[Client Date] as [Last logged on date],
d.[Last Logon User],
vl.Name as Location,
CASE WHEN i.Domain = '' AND CHARINDEX('.', i.[Name]) <> 0 THEN SUBSTRING (i.[Name],0,CHARINDEX ('.',i.[Name])) ELSE i.[Name] END [Name],
CASE WHEN i.Domain = '' AND CHARINDEX('.', i.[Name]) <> 0 THEN REPLACE (i.[Name],SUBSTRING (i.[Name],0,CHARINDEX ('.',i.[Name]))+ '.','') ELSE i.Domain END [Domain],
sn1.Manufacturer [Manufacturer],
sn1.[Model] [Computer Model],
cpu.[Max Clock Speed (Mega-hertz)] [CPU Frequency],
cpu.[Family] [CPU Type],
sn1.[Total Physical Memory (Bytes)] / (1024 * 1024) [Memory (MB)],
ISNULL (i.[OS Name],os.[Name]) [Operating System],
d.[OS Version] [OS Version],
CST.[Max Media Size (Kilobytes)] / (1024) [Disk Size(MB)],
ld.[Free Space (Bytes)] [Free Space(MB)],
sn1.[Identifying Number] [Serial Number]
FROM dbo.vComputer i
left join ResourceAssociation ra on i.Guid = ra.ParentResourceGuid left join vLocation vl on ra.ChildResourceGuid = vl._ResourceGuid
JOIN dbo.ScopeMembership sm
ON sm.[ResourceGuid] = i.Guid
AND sm.[ScopeCollectionGuid] IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.fnGetTrusteeScopeCollections (@v1_TrusteeScope))
LEFT JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification d
ON d._ResourceGuid = i.Guid
JOIN dbo.CollectionMembership cm
ON cm.ResourceGuid = i.[Guid]
JOIN dbo.vCollection it
ON it.Guid = cm.CollectionGuid
LEFT JOIN dbo.vHWPhysicalMemory m1
ON m1.[_ResourceGuid] = i.Guid
JOIN dbo.vHWComputerSystem sn1
ON sn1.[_ResourceGuid] = i.Guid
LEFT JOIN dbo.Inv_HW_Processor cpu
ON cpu.[_ResourceGuid] = i.[Guid]
LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM ([Free Space (Bytes)] / (1024 * 1024)) [Free Space (Bytes)], _ResourceGuid
FROM dbo.vHWLogicalDisk WHERE [Logical Disk Type] = 3 GROUP BY _ResourceGuid) ld
ON i.Guid = ld._ResourceGuid
LEFT JOIN dbo.vOSOperatingSystem os
ON os._ResourceGuid = i.Guid
JOIN (SELECT SUM ([Max Media Size (Kilobytes)]) [Max Media Size (Kilobytes)],
_ResourceGuid FROM vHWStorage
WHERE [Media Type] = 29
GROUP BY _ResourceGuid)CST
ON CST._ResourceGuid = i.Guid
WHERE 1 = 1
AND LOWER (i.[Name]) LIKE LOWER ('%')
AND i.Domain LIKE '%'
AND lower (it.[Guid]) LIKE lower ('2c1b4a56-4bc6-4e03-8589-fb53499b7e55')
Note: Location field will populate only if it is already present. It can be seen on console under Manage>Assets>Manage Configuration Items>Computers and Peripherals>Computer.