How to increase the max number of child nodes visible in the tree. Currently fixed 500 value: "More than 500 items in this folder..."
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How to increase the max number of child nodes visible in the tree. Currently fixed 500 value: "More than 500 items in this folder..."


Article ID: 184149


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


Customer has 2000 resources imported from his AD OU.  He would like to see all of them in the tree view Under Organizations views and groups > Asset by Cost Center instead of just the top 500.  He would like to be able to customize this (increase the number).


1. Go to C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Settings\CoreSettings.config (or if you are in 8.5 RU1 or later, go to the SMP Console>Settings>Notification Server>Core Settings)
2. Locate string 'ConsoleTreeFolderMaxChildItems'  and change it to any number you like.
The default value is 200 (500 on earlier versions)
3. Refresh the whole page or reopen it in the browser to refresh the cache.

Note: By increasing this value you may get in some performance issues while loading the tree view; however, those should be minimal since multiple improvements have been made in the SMP 7.1 SP2 release around tree loading time.