How can I know what computers don't have a Last Configuration Request date?
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How can I know what computers don't have a Last Configuration Request date?


Article ID: 184142


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


There are a couple of client machines that seem to be not communicated with the Notification Server for a while. How can I find out what computers in my environment don't have a Last Configuration Request date?


ITMS 8.x



You can run the following query on Query Analyzer on your SQL Server Management Studio or use it to create a report:

select i.[name]
  from vitem i

 where i.guid not in
                select distinct resourceguid
                  from evt_ns_client_config_request

       --This verifies that the item we are finding is a computer resource.
       and i.classguid like '539626D8-A35A-47EB-8B4A-64D3DA110D01'

       --This section is checking to make sure that we are not including servers.
       and i.guid not in
                select distinct _resourceguid
                  from inv_aex_ac_identification
                 where [os type] like '%server%'

       --This section is looking for an agent to be on the machine
       --If the results are not correct you may want to remove this.
       and i.guid in
                select distinct _resourceguid
                  from Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Agent
                 where [agent name] like 'Altiris Agent'

order by