How to change the Spectrum keystore password used by SSL?
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How to change the Spectrum keystore password used by SSL?


Article ID: 184090


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to change the Spectrum keystore password used by SSL?


Release : 20.2, 21.2

Component : Spectrum OneClick


Below are the commands to change the default keystore password.

1. Make a backup of the cacerts file.

2. Run the following commands to change the keystore password and key password since the store is not empty:

cd <SPECROOT>/Java/bin

./keytool -storepasswd -new <new_keystore_pass> -keystore <SPECROOT>/custom/keystore/cacerts -storepass <current_keystore_pass>

./keytool -keypasswd -alias <alias> -keypass <currentPass> -new <newPass> -keystore <SPECROOT>/custom/keystore/cacerts

3. Update the password in the <SPECROOT>/tomcat/conf/server.xml file.

4. Stop and restart tomcat.

Additional Information

Note: It is possible to use different passwords for the cacerts keystore and the key inside. If done the HTTPS connector will need to specify both passwords.
