How to use SQL REST API - examples
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How to use SQL REST API - examples


Article ID: 182979


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE DX Application Performance Management


The following is a list of examples, illustrating how to use the SQLREST API:

1-Gather metrics names for specific agent
2-Gather data points for the PAST hour for specific MQ Agent and specific metrics
3-Gather data points for the past 15 days
4-Gather data points for the past 24 hours
5-Gather data points for specific metric at a specific time and greater than


APM 10.7.x



1. As per documentation: "Use the public SQL REST API to extract raw metric data from APM, and integrate this data with custom tools."
2. To retrieve “data points” use the “metric_data” table, to retrieve “metrics names” use the “metrics” table

For more details on the schema refer to:

Step #1 : Generate a Token:

Login to ATC, Security, generate a new token
Select Public API, Never expires

TEST#1 - Gather metrics names for specific agent

In Webview


curl -Lk -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/apm/appmap/apmData/query \
-d "{ \"query\" : \"select * from metrics where agent_process LIKE '%MQ%'\" }"


,"rows":[["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Launch Time","Launch Time",<launch_time>]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","GC Heap:Bytes In Use","Bytes In Use",258,1576366275000,1582879680000]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","GC Heap:Bytes Total","Bytes Total",258,1576366275000,1582879680000]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Host:Wall Clock Time","Wall Clock Time",<clock_time>]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers:Aggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status","Aggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status",258,1576366335000,1582879680000]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>:Aggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status","Aggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status",258,1576366305000,1582879680000]
,["<host>@<prot>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","IBM Integration Node |<host>|example:Component Runstate Value","Component Runstate Value",258,1576366275000,1582879680000]

TEST#2 - Gather data points for the PAST hour for specific MQ Agent and specific metrics


ONE_HOUR_AGO=`echo $(date "+%s")*1000 " - 60*60*1000" | bc `

curl -Lk -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/apm/appmap/apmData/query \
-d "{ \"query\" : \"select * from metric_data where agent_name LIKE '%WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent%' and metric_attribute LIKE 'Agent-MQ Connection Status Value' and ts >= ${ONE_HOUR_AGO}\" }"


,"rows":[["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582846290000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582846305000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582846320000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582846335000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message …

In the above example, the query returns all columns names at the beginning. Below an example of the columns names and corresponding values for “metric_attribute” table:



"WebSphere MQ and Message Broker",
"WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent",
"Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value"
,"Agent-MQ Connection Status Value"

For more details of the tables and columns see schema details:

TEST#3: Gather data points for the past 15 days

D15_AGO=`echo $(date "+%s")*1000 " - 15*24*60*60*1000" | bc `

curl -Lk -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/apm/appmap/apmData/query \
-d "{ \"query\" : \"select * from metric_data where agent_name LIKE '%WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent%' and metric_attribute LIKE 'Agent-MQ Connection Status Value' and ts >= ${D15_AGO}\" }" 

TEST#4: Gather data points for the past 24 hours

T24_HOUR_AGO=`echo $(date "+%s")*1000 " - 24*60*60*1000" | bc `

curl -Lk -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/apm/appmap/apmData/query \
-d "{ \"query\" : \"select * from metric_data where agent_name LIKE '%WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent%' and metric_attribute LIKE 'Agent-MQ Connection Status Value' and ts >= ${T24_HOUR_AGO}\" }" 

TEST#5 - Gather data points for specific metric at a specific time and greater than

Use a timestamp conversion tool to obtain the milliseconds


curl -Lk -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/apm/appmap/apmData/query -d "{ \"query\" : \"select * from metric_data where agent_name LIKE '%WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent%' and metric_attribute LIKE 'Agent-MQ Connection Status Value' and ts>=1582878247000\" }"


,"rows":[["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582878255000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582878270000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ Connection Status Value",258,15000,1582878285000,1,1,0,1]
,["<host>@<port>","<host>","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker","WebSphere MQ and Message Broker Agent","SuperDomain","Queue Managers|<host>|QM1|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status Value","Agent-MQ 

Additional Information